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Monday, January 10, 2011

Great Weekend! Movie Time! :)

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I've been a little behind with things but am trying to catch up. I thought that being on vacation from classes I would have more time but I just seem to be as busy as ever! I did get some time to watch a couple movies this weekend. On of them was Flipped, which was Amazingly adorable movie! I love coming-of-age movies. I was a couple of days late announcing the winners but they have now been announced on the giveaway post (on the left sidebar). Congrats to you guys! :)

I'm a little disappointed I waited until the last minute to print a $1/3 Lean Cuisine coupon and now they are gone :( I was planning on buying 5 and playing only $3 after (hopefully) getting overage from the $2/1 Olay coupon. Hopefully I'll have time to drop by on Monday and some more coupons will pop up soon! :)

Another WIN!
On the other hand, the Green Bay PACKERS had a phenomenal game against the Eagles this Sunday! I was on the edge of my seat during the last 4 minutes of the 4th quarter! That interception by Tramon Williams in the End Zone with :33 seconds left in the game secured ALL hope for me! They face the Falcons next week and it might be tough but win or lose, the Packers are #1 in my book :) I really hope they pull through and make it to the Superbowl this year.

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