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Monday, December 5, 2011

When Kind Deeds Keep Going...

Santa Target Gift Card Good Deed Student-Saving-Bucks
...anything can happen. I just read a great post on WeUseCoupons.com Target forum from "jltieman" who wrote:
"Last night I went to Target with my "Spend $50, get a free $10 Gift Card." I planned on using it but they were out of half of the things that I wanted. Whenever I was checking out with the few things they DID have in stock, the lady in front of me had quite a bit of stuff. I asked her if she plans on spending $50 and she said yes so I gave her the coupon. She was SO thankful. After her transaction was over she came over to me, handed me the $10 gift card and said "Merry Christmas." I was in complete shock (and in tears). Her giving me the gift card certainly was NOT my intentions. I was just surprised that there are still people that would do such a nice gesture. It completely made my night.

...Being nice to others definitely pays off! She has no idea how much she blessed me (and how far I can stretch that $10 gift card for my family.)"
It certainly touched my heart reading this. For some odd reason, there are people out there who don't know there are tons of good people with good hearts out in the world. I must say, we are sometime so wrapped up in things we do that we never think about others. I am certainly guilty of this, to an extent. I recently used the Get a FREE $10 wyb $50+ Target coupon and used it.  Next time I walk into the store I will hand my $10 Target Gift Card to the first person to flash me a smile, because I always flash mine to others. I hope I can make their day and inspire them to do a good deed for someone else :) I wanted to keep the gift card (because as you can see from the picture above, it is SUPER adorable), but will part with it for a greater cause. :)

Happy Holidays!

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