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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Review - Dr. Drip Coffee and Vapur Fun-Size Anti Bottles

Vapur and Dr. Drip Products
Traveling to other countries is fun... lugging around a coffee maker isn't. I wasn't looking forward to finding a place in my suitcase for my bulky coffee maker, but now luckily won't have to. I recently got the chance to review some Dr. Drip Coffee products and have to say, this is one ingenious idea! I also had the chance to review some fun new Vapur Anti-Bottles, I love these things!

Dr. Drip is a single-serve brewing system that is portable, much like instant coffee from one-time use pouches, BUT Dr. Drip has come up with an ingenious way to make it so we can brew coffee portably. How is this possible? They have this super-cool packaging that includes the coffee and filter. It is individually wrapped as well, so its truly portable. Crack open a box, open the pouch and follow the instructions on the packaging. All you need is hot water and a cup. I wanted to see how portable Dr. Drip was so the other morning I took a pouch with me and went to class. My professor has a handy little microwave in the class so I heated up some water, opened the pouch, placed it over a disposable cup and brewed coffee... IN CLASS. Crazy fun! Everyone seemed to enjoy the smell of fresh coffee floating around the class, even the smell of coffee wakes you up :) The coffee itself is a 100% Arabica bean mix, I preferred the Double Daily Remedy I received over the Organic Tonic, as it didn't have a rich flavor.

I also received the Vapur Fun-Size Anti-Bottles in Purple. These BPA-free anti-bottle hold 14oz. of liquid and are a great size for kids and their lunch bags. My sister who just started Kindergarten has been using the white/purple Vapur fun-size anti-bottle and loves it. She can open it easily to drink and likes that it doesn't take up much space after its empty in her cute lunch bag. The Vapur Anti-bottle is freezable, washable, foldable and reusuable.

Overall, I think both are great ingenious products that are very eco-friendly. I had previously reviewed Vapur (regular-sized Anti-Bottle) and loved it. I use it very often and have even bought some for friends of mine that seemed to adore the idea of its foldability (lol). The Dr. Drip's packaging, filters and coffee are recyclable, compostable and biodegradable, making it that much more appealing. Huge thanks for the opportunity to review both these products!

Disclaimer: I was NOT paid for this post, however I did receive the product in question, from the company or their representing PR company, free of charge in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own and I have provided a fair and honest review. I received no other compensation for my review nor was I under any obligation to give a positive review.

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