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Monday, June 6, 2011

My Nutrisystem Weekly Weigh-In (Week #6)

This is my 6th week on the Nutrisystem program. I'm so close to hitting 20lbs. lost! Its tremendous, by next week ill have lost 20lb. on Nutrisystem and exercise alone :) I don't know why, but I don't see much physical difference yet. Yes, I have mentioned my pants are looser but other than that I don't see it. I should have taken before and after measurements and pictures. I don't see the difference physically, but do see it on the scale and feel it mentally. The Nutrisystem program is getting easier and easier to stay on. I always feel content, when I'm hungry (which is only when I don't have a filling breakfast) I just grab some grapes, which are only about 65 calories per cup.

Exercise is going well. I've changed my goals and now will burn 3,500 a week. 3,500 is equal to a pound and by burning 500 calories a day I will accomplish that. I usually burn about 600-700 2 days out of the week so it lets me have a "rest day" where I ca just lounge around but still eat right. I get my exercise on the EA Sports Active 2 for XBOX 360. I posted my review on this great game last week so check it out :). All this takes motivation. There are many ways of getting that, family, friends, goals, etc. This past week I received another motivation to help me, Pound the Nutribear. By next week Commitment the Nutribear might be on his way to join him too! :)

This weeks weight-loss was very good and what I was expecting.  I can't wait to keep pushing myself and lose more weight. I have now made a personal goal to lose a minimum of 10lbs. a month over the next 3 months I have left. :) I'm exited, I'll be able to send for my 2nd Nutribear next week! Don't forget to Check out my entire Nutrisystem Journey, my photos on Flickr or my videos on YouTube! Now its time, my weight loss for the 5th week on Nutrisystem:

Weight Loss:
-6.2 lbs. [5/1/11]
-3.1 lbs. [5/8/11]
-2.6 lbs. [5/15/11]
-1.8 lbs. [5/22/11]
-2.5 lbs. [5/29/11]
-2.6 lbs. [6/5/11] 
Total: 18.8 lbs.
Nutrisystem Nation Bloggers:
I want to say HELLO to my fellow Nutrisystem Nation Bloggers! I read their blogs and their ups & downs with the system! Don't forget to check them out! Trisha @ Makeup Files, Heather @ Living On Love & Cents, Di @ Free Sample Mama, Lisa @ Mommy & Me Giveaways, Carmen @ Closer To Lucy, Sara @ Dealicious Mom, Brett @ This Mama Loves Her Bargains
Want to join me on the Nutrisystem Program? Sign up online or call 1-888-853-4689!

Disclaimer: As a part of the "Nutrisystem Nation Blogger" Program, Nutrisystem is providing their food, services and program to me free of charge in exchange for blogging about my experience. Opinions are my own and I will provide only fair and honest reviews.

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