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Monday, May 16, 2011

My Nutrisystem Weekly Weigh-In (Week #3)

Its been three weeks, I'm just surprised as you! This week went by just as fast as last week. My Nutrisystem journey has been going well. I've also continually been reading up on healthy eating and exercising. Apparently to burn 1lb. of fat you have to burn 3,500 calories. That is a lot. I've been burning about 500-700 calories a day exercising and by eating no more than 1,300 calories, I have a deficit of around 1,000 calories a day, meaning I should essentially lose at least 2.5lb - 3lb each week. Thats about 10lb. a month, which is a great realistic weight to lose over a months time. No one said losing weight is easy! :)

This 3rd week was pretty hard, food wise. Since it is still my first month, I have already gone through the foods I like and am left with food I don't quite like. This week I tried the frozen Chicken Alfredo and disliked it very much. I love the tomato-based pastas on Nutrisystem, but can't stand the cream-based ones. The only other new food I tried this week was the dessert peppermint patty. It was delicious, I love anything mint. It was so delicious it made me feel a little guilty eating it. As for exercise, I have been getting my daily exercise in, have boosted it from 200 to at least 500 calories a day. I spend a good hour every day exercise with the EA Sports Active 2 game for the XBOX 360 Kinect (review coming later this week). I love the game, I got it Thursday the 28th and have burned over 5,500 calories already.

Mentally, I've been keeping with the Nutrisystem program quite well. As I mentioned before, Nutrisystem, to me, is meant to teach how much you should eat and portion control. We don't need too much food to fuction regularly and eat healthy. This week I did have a slice of pizza, approx. 238 calories. I only had one, and substituted my dinner for it. When I am no longer on Nutrisystem, I will have to make my own food and continue portion control. I see no problem with eating one slice this past week because eating healthy is a lifestyle change, and food that is "not good for you" is part of mine. I have controlled my eating out of the program, if I wasn't trying to lose weight, I would easily scarf down over 5-6 slices in a day but am proud that I now have control and chose to eat better. I don't believe shunning myself from foods I enjoy is right, even if they are high in calories so controlling HOW MUCH of it I eat is my main goal. I can't wait to keep pushing myself and lose more weight. I have now made a personal goal to lose a minimum of 10lbs. a month over the next 3 months I have left. :) I'm exited that I have rightfully earned my 1st Nutribear, pound!Don't forget to Check out my entire Nutrisystem Journey and photos on Flickr! Now its time, my weight loss for my 2nd week on NutriSystem:

Weight Loss:
-6.2 lbs.[5/1/11]
-3.1 lbs.[5/8/11]
-2.6 lbs.[5/15/11]
Total: 11.9 lbs.
Nutrisystem Nation Bloggers:
I want to say HELLO to my fellow Nutrisystem Nation Bloggers! I read their blogs and their ups & downs with the system! Don't forget to check them out! Trisha @ Makeup Files, Heather @ Living On Love & Cents, Di @ Free Sample Mama, Lisa @ Mommy & Me Giveaways, Carmen @ Closer To Lucy, Sara @ Dealicious Mom, Brett @ This Mama Loves Her Bargains
Want to join me on the Nutrisystem Program? Sign up online or call 1-888-853-4689!

Disclaimer: As a part of the "Nutrisystem Nation Blogger" Program, Nutrisystem is providing their food, services and program to me free of charge in exchange for blogging about my experience. Opinions are my own and I will provide only fair and honest reviews.

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