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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Vote For Us, Please :)

Late last year I entered a contest on CSN and never expected to be one of 103 finalists (out of 13,000 entries). The contest is for a 15,000 Make-Over for our backyard, which we desperately need. See the picture above? Its ok for the dogs, but horrible for my family. It was so hot last year we bought an above-ground pool (over $300) and only used it a couple weeks because the endless dirt that piled up on the bottom. We have no grass in our backyard, just dirt and rocks. We even tried planting 3 trees with no success (they died).

I would love to be able to have a place out there for my younger three siblings (5-18) and parents. After being stuck in a small apartment for over 20 years, it would be a great blessing. We have tried countless times to save up but other bills just pile on. I hope you guys can stop by and vote for us! By voting, you can also earn 10 extra entries into my 1-Year Blogiversay Giveaway for 1 of 2 $50.00 Target Gift Cards! :) Thank you to everyone who does vote, it means the world to us!

To Vote:
----If that doesn't work, go here then click on "contest corner" and Battle Your Blah Backyard Contest link. (I am #5 on the list, says I'm from from Los Angeles)
Simply click "Vote" and enter your email. You will need to check your email for the verification link and click it to verify your vote, thats it!

UPDATE: Only a week left to vote, VOTING ENDS JUNE 1ST. We are currently #2 and would love your vote! Thank you to all that have voted, we are crossing our fingers, as we have tough competition!

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