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Monday, September 27, 2010

Traditional Schools Are Not For The 21st Century

Its quite amusing how when I was younger I would sometimes dread doing homework. I think its because we were forced to study things that didn't interest us when we were younger. At 21, I love homework. I'm currently writing a minimum 6-page paper comparing two cultures. Quite frankly, I don't think I can fit everything in a measly 6 pages. I just have too much to write. This is a paper I'm very exited about turning in.

I was siting here wondering why public schools haven't changed much. I think that if kids are taught their basic classes in elementary and middle school, high school could be a place for them to choose a field to focus on. There are so many people that go to College not having the slightest idea of what they want to pursue so they take their general education classes and end up losing focus and even dropping out. Other countries have much stricter education early on, but here in the U.S. students are still learning about Christopher Columbus in 10th grade. When I was in High School, which was a mere 4-5 years ago, over half of the time we were just re-learning mostly useless facts that should have been taught earlier.

Although I had many more opportunities when I was in High School, it did not provide a focus for my future education. I had honors classes and was placed in an advanced-program, that only about 300 kids in my school were privileged to be part of (out of about 4,000 students). Only the advanced students were given the opportunity to do different things like mock trials in our court room, receive off-campus classes and such.

Even with the plethora of opportunities I had, it did not help me. I did not attend College until 3 1/2 years after I graduated high school. At 20, I started my college classes and knew I would want to major in Anthropology. My dream is to have a career, not a job. When I get my Bachelors Degree, I hope to work in a Museum here in L.A. In the near future, I wish for public schools to be more open to change and be more flexible. I think that the majority of our high school students are no longer in need of traditional schooling. Times are changing, and they are changing fast.

How many of you parents wouldn't love that for your kids? Basic and general education to be taught in Elementary and Middle school. Then, in High School, pick an overall field to focus on like we pick a major in College.

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